So, what's new with me? I'm busy with the before mention child, who is into EVERYTHING! And when she isn't all over the house searching and destroying, she wants me to hold her. So, I spend a lot of my time cuddling. Not complaining though. Just enjoying it while it lasts. I'll get my chores done some other day.
I've been crafting more. Can't say what I'm making right now because it's all for Christmas and some of the recipients may read this blog.
I'm also pregnant and just about half way through. I'm excited for the 9th of next month because I get to (hopefully) find out the baby's gender. Tony wants a boy. I can't imagine having anything else but girls. We'll see. I find myself forgetting that I'm pregnant some days, which is nice. I'm having a hard time remembering to drink enough water.
Can't think of anything else really exciting to tell you.
Oh! We're moving into an apartment in downtown Vashon between the 17th of November and the 1st of December (depends on when they finish spiffing it up). I think that's pretty exciting. :)
Guess my next post will be Halloween. Hope everyone has a good one!
Congrats on the preggo-ness!
Now you will have two cute little ones to snuggle with!!!
I love those pics! Glad you guys are going to find out soon what you are having! So exciting! I kind of think its a girl , but we will see! Glad you guys get to move into a cool apartment,can't wait to see pics! Miss you!
Love the update. Glad you are enjoying the now. Its a great attitude to have, prob. why I think we are friends. :)
I KNEW IT!!!!! Congrate Jamie.
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