So.... nothing could really prepare me for how sad and guilty I feel about my baby getting hurt, for the first time, due to my negligence. I like to sit her on my bed to practice sitting up because when she falls over, it's a soft landing. Well, today I placed her too close to the solid wood bed frame at the foot of my bed. I looked away for two seconds and heard the sickening thud of her poor little face hitting that wood. She, of course, started screaming. I rushed her downstairs to grab some baby tylenol and a frozen go-gurt. She stopped crying to watch my face, which was very sad and crying too. I'm embarrassed to admit, but I sobbed longer than she did. Sooooo sorry Baby!!! She enjoyed her cherry flavored medicine and sucking on the cover of the frozen go-gurt (glad I bought those). She's acting totally normal now. I just hope she doesn't get too big of a fat lip since we were planning on taking some family photos tomorrow. Ack. I still feel so terrible. :(
This picture was taken 25 minutes after her first bump. Guess babies are pretty resilient, huh?
It always happens sooner or later. When Rebekah was learning to walk, she fell face flat onto the tiled floor. Ouch!
It always hurts when the babies hurt themselves (and older kids too... it doesnt get easier.) But dont be too hard on yourself. We all do, its all a learning experience, and you are going to cry lots more. Mother = the most rewarding and the very hardest job... and for all sorts of reasons. You are a FABULOUS Mom! :)
I totally know how you feel. Actually Bryce cried harder than anyone when Rachel fell down the front concrete steps last summer :) It is so good that they are so resilient.
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